Australian Nursing & Training Services

Palliative Care Week

This year the theme of the Palliative Care is “It is your right”. The theme is effective to raise awareness regarding the rights of Australians to access high-quality palliative care when they need it.

Palliative Care is provided for a person who has been suffering from an advanced disease, which is progressing actively with no hope of getting better, no prospect of cure, or unfortunately expected to cause death. Hence, Palliative Care identifies physical, social, spiritual and emotional symptoms centered around an individual’s care needs, enhances one’s quality of life and supports their family.

Palliative care sometimes can be complicated and challenged by client symptoms, involvement in complex social situations, and concerns with end-of-life care and grief. Therefore, it is highly essential for the caregivers (nurses, doctors, junior nurses, support care workers, and allied health) to have special skills such as effective communication, compassion, respect, and understanding of their needs.

Contact us to upskill with our range of Palliative Care courses. You will find great reward in supporting those at their time of need.
