Australian Nursing & Training Services

terms & conditions

VET Qualification Terms and Conditions of enrolment I (which expression includes the parent/guardian who has signed this contract) hereby apply to enrol in the course commencing indicated in in the application of Enrolment form. I agree that on acceptance of the Application by Australian Nursing And Training Services Pty Ltd (‘ANTS’) the Acceptance will become the Contract of Enrolment (‘the Contract’) and further I agree to abide by the following terms and conditions of enrolment:
  1. I agree that it is a condition of my enrolment that I achieve satisfactory academic progress throughout my course at a rate that will enable me to complete the course in the nominated duration.
  2. I agree that I am required to use my best endeavours to meet the requirements of the course selected and to abide by the rules and regulations of ANTS.
  3. I agree to always interact with students, staff and visitors (both on and off campus) according to the student code of conduct and the law, whilst undertaking studies with ANTS.
  4. I understand that if I breach any of ANTS rules, its policies or the student code of conduct and or the law or if my behaviour is deemed unacceptable by ANTS, my enrolment may be cancelled, and I may not be entitled to any refund of the tuition fees or other charges paid to ANTS under the Contract as applicable at that time. (Information on ANTS’s Student Handbook is located on the website at
  5. I agree that all lessons and any related material supplied by ANTS are secured by copyright, remain the property of ANTS and must be returned to ANTS on completion of the course. I understand that any unauthorised copying may constitute a breach of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (as amended from time to time).
  6. Course fees do not include the cost of any text-book or any uniform that may be required for any mandatory work placement if applicable. Any other charges (apart from the fees) that maybe applicable, will be declared in writing prior to or at the time of enrolment.
  7. I agree to advise ANTS of any change of my address and/or contact details while I am enrolled in any course.
  8. ANTS maintain a Privacy Policy which can be viewed at In addition to the provisions of this policy, I authorise ANTS to release administrative information concerning my performance at ANTS (including academic progress and attendance information) to any person who may lawfully require that information.
  9. Any information of a private nature may not be released to parents / guardians, agents and potential employers without your prior written approval or as required by the law.
  10. I understand that should a new version of the qualification be endorsed and released by the relevant authorities, the RTO must manage the transition of its students to the new version in accordance with the Australian Skills Quality Authority’s directions and that this circumstance does not constitute a default by ANTS.
  11. I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Complaints, Grievances and Appeals Policy outlined in this document, and published on the website at
  12. I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood and agree to the terms of the withdrawal, deferral and Refunds policy is published in ANTS’s Student Handbook on website at
  13. I confirm that these terms and conditions have been made available to me prior to enrolling and understand that any variation of those stated terms and conditions of the Application for Enrolment must be provided in writing and be signed by an authorised officer of ANTS.
  14. I confirm that the terms and conditions of ANTS payment providers have been made available to me prior to enrolling and as part of my application.
  15. I understand, the applicant has a provisional enrolment period of 10 days, from the date of signing the Application for Enrolment, to withdraw from the course.
  16. I understand that after the provisional enrolment period of 10 days, if I have not provided all required information relating to the course entry requirements, ANTS may cancel my enrolment.
  17. I understand that the course fees paid for fee for service courses delivered by ANTS are not refundable after the 10-day provisional enrolment period has elapsed. (An enrolment is provisional for 10 days, allowing ANTS time to request additional information and for a student to access their course and ensure that the course meets their requirements.) Please see our Withdrawal, Deferral and Refunds Policy published in ANTS’s Student Handbook on website at
  18. I understand that my qualification may consist of a number of short courses and if I cannot attend an associated short course as part of my enrolment, I must inform ANTS at least 2 weeks prior to the short course start date to request a transfer.
  19. I understand that if I do not inform ANTS at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled short course start date and/or I do not attend that I am obligated to pay an administration fee of $100 per non-attendance.
  20. I understand that if any fees are not paid by the invoice due date, ANTS may charge a late payment fee. If ANTS deems it necessary to engage a debt collection agency to collect the outstanding amount, all costs associated with debt recovery will be added onto the outstanding debt.
  21. I understand that by agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and through the provision of ANTS’ complaints and appeals process, this does not remove my right to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.


  Short Courses Terms and Conditions of enrolment I (which expression includes the parent/guardian who has signed this contract) hereby apply to enrol in the course commencing indicated in the Application for Enrolment form (‘the Application’). I agree that on acceptance of the Application by ANTS  (‘Acceptance’), the Acceptance will become the Contract of Enrolment (‘the Contract’) and further I agree to abide by the following terms and conditions of enrolment:
  1. I agree that it is a condition of my enrolment that I achieve satisfactory academic progress throughout my course at a rate that will enable me to complete the course in the nominated duration.
  2. I agree that I am required to use my best endeavours to meet the requirements of the course selected and to abide by the rules and regulations of ANTS.
  3. I agree to always interact with students, staff, and visitors (both on and off campus) according to the student code of conduct and the law, whilst undertaking studies with ANTS.
  4. I understand that if I breach any of ANTS rules or my behaviour is deemed unacceptable by ANTS Education and Training, my enrolment may be cancelled, and I may not be entitled to any refund of the tuition fees or other charges paid to ANTS under the Contract as applicable at that time. (Information on ANTS’ code of conduct, policies, rules and regulations is in ANTS’s student Handbook on the website at
  5. I agree that all lessons and any related material supplied by ANTS are copyright and remain the property of ANTS and must be returned to ANTS on completion of the course. I understand that any unauthorised copying may constitute a breach of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (as amended from time to time).
  6. Course fees do not include the cost of text-books or any uniforms that may be required for any mandatory work placement if applicable. Any other charges (apart from the fees) that maybe applicable, will be declared in writing prior to or at the time of enrolment.
  7. I agree to advise ANTS of any change of my address and/or contact details while I am enrolled in any course.
  8. ANTS maintains a Privacy Policy which can be viewed at In addition to the provisions of this policy, I authorise ANTS to release administrative information concerning my performance at ANTS (including academic progress and attendance information) to any person who may lawfully require that information
  9. Any information of a private nature may not be released to parents / guardians, agents and potential employers without your prior written approval or as required by the law.
  10. I understand that should a new version of the qualification or course be endorsed and released by the relevant authorities, the RTO must manage the transition of its students to the new version in accordance with the Australian Skills Quality Authority’s directions and that this circumstance does not constitute a default by the RTO.
  11. I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Complaints, Grievances and Appeals Policy outlined in these terms and conditions, and published in ANTS’s Student Handbook  on the website at
  12. I confirm that the terms and conditions have been made available to me prior to enrolling and understand that any variation of those stated terms and conditions of the Application for Enrolment must be provided in writing and be signed by an authorised officer of ANTS
  13. I confirm that the terms and conditions of ANTS’ payment providers (e.g. Smart and Skilled) have been made available to me prior to enrolling and as part of my application.
  14. I understand upon enrolling for a short course and if I am obligated to pay for that course I acknowledge my payment is not refundable unless the scheduled course is fully cancelled by ANTS without being rescheduled in the 12 months following the original enrolment course end date.
  15. I understand that if I cannot attend the short course I have enrolled in, I must contact ANTS at least 2 weeks prior to the course start date and either:
    1. Provide a substitute attendee to the short course; or
    2. Request my enrolment in the short course be changed to the same course at a future date; or
    3. Request my enrolment in the short course be changed to a different course *fees may apply.
  16. I understand that if I do not contact of ANTS at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled short course start date and I do not attend that I am obligated to pay for the enrolled short course.
  17. I understand that I can only change my course details once.
  18. Training must commence within 12 months from the date of the first booking.
  19. I understand that if any fees (if applicable) are not paid by the invoice due date, ANTS may charge a late payment fee. If ANTS deems it necessary to engage a debt collection agency to collect the outstanding amount, all costs associated with debt recovery will be added onto the outstanding debt.
  20. I understand that by agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and through the provision of ANTS complaints and appeals process, this does not remove my right to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
  21. ANTS will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations that is caused by events outside ANTS reasonable control (Force Majeure Event). A Force Majeure Event includes any act, event, non-happening, omission or accident beyond ANTS reasonable control. ANTS will use reasonable endeavours to bring the Force Majeure Event to a close or to find a solution by which obligations may be met despite the Force Majeure Event.
Online Short Courses Terms and Conditions of enrolment
  1. I (which expression includes the parent/guardian who has signed this contract) hereby apply to enrol in the short course commencing indicated on the Short Course Enrolment form (‘the Application’). I agree that on acceptance of the Application by ANTS  (‘Acceptance’), the Acceptance will become the Contract of Enrolment (‘the Contract’) and further I agree to abide by the following terms and conditions of enrolment:
  2. I agree that I am required to use my best endeavours to meet the requirements of the course selected and to abide by the rules and regulations of ANTS.
  3. I understand that if I breach any of ANTS rules or my behaviour is deemed unacceptable by ANTS, my enrolment may be cancelled, and I may not be entitled to any refund of the tuition fees or other charges paid to ANTS under the Contract as applicable at that time. (Information on ANTS policies, rules and regulations is in the ANTS’ Student Handbook on website at
  4. I agree that all course related material supplied by ANTS are secured by copyright, remain the property of ANTS and must be returned to ANTS on completion of the course. I understand that any unauthorised copying may constitute a breach of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (as amended from time to time).
  5. I agree that my log-in details cannot be shared. In the case that I do share these details with others it may lead to the cancelation of my enrolment.
  6. I acknowledge ANTS’ has the right to track my progress via my log on time in addition to the completion of my assessment activity.
  7. Course fees do not include the cost of text-books or any uniforms that may be required for any mandatory work placement if applicable. Any other charges (apart from the fees) that maybe applicable, will be declared in writing prior to or at the time of enrolment.
  8. I agree to advise ANTS of any change of my address and/or contact details while I am enrolled in any course.
  9. ANTS maintains a Privacy Policy which can be viewed at . In addition to the provisions of this policy, I authorise ANTS to release administrative information concerning my performance at ANTS (including academic progress and attendance information) to any person who may lawfully require that information.
  10. Any information of a private nature may not be released to parents / guardians, agents and potential employers without your prior written approval or as required by the law.
  11. I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Complaints, Grievances and Appeals Policy outlined in this document, and published  in the ANTS’s Student Handbook on website at
  12. I confirm that the terms and conditions have been made available to me prior to enrolling and understand that any variation of those stated terms and conditions of the Application for Enrolment must be provided in writing and be signed by an authorised officer of ANTS.
  13. I confirm that the terms and conditions of ANTS’ payment providers have been made available to me prior to enrolling and as part of my application.
  14. I understand that there is a provisional enrolment period of 48 hours
  15. I understand that after the provisional enrolment period of 48 hours, if I have not provided all required information relating to the course entry requirements including payment, ANTS may cancel my enrolment.
  16. I also understand I may apply to withdraw my enrolment within the 48-hour enrolment period if I believe the content and or the outcome of the course that I have enrolled is not suitable to me. I acknowledge ANTS has the right to offer me an alternative course and if suitable I will pay any additional fees that may be associated with the new course. If the fee for new course is less than the fee for the original course, then I will be refunded the difference within 5 working days.
  17. Subject to clause 16 and if a suitable alternative course cannot be provided, then ANTS will refund me the entire amount (less any administrative fees) I have paid for the fee for service online short course that I initially enrolled in. This does not include any course that is funded by a third party.
  18. I understand that the course fees paid for the initial fee for service online short courses delivered by ANTS are not refundable after the 48-hour provisional enrolment period has elapsed.
  19. I understand that any course fees associated with the substitute course (as described in clause 16 above) which I agree to undertake ,is subject to ANTS refund policy but the 48 hour enrolment period does not apply.
  20. I understand that if any fees are not paid by the invoice due date, ANTS may charge a late payment fee. If ANTS deems it necessary to engage a debt collection agency to collect the outstanding amount, all costs associated with debt recovery will be added onto the outstanding debt.
  21. I understand that by agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and through the provision of ANTS complaints and appeals process, this does not remove my right to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
Privacy Notice Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, Australian Nursing And Training Services is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER). Your personal information (including the personal information contained on this enrolment form), may be used or disclosed by Australian Nursing And Training Services for statistical, administrative, regulatory and research purposes. Australian Nursing And Training Services may disclose your personal information for these purposes to:
  • Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies; and
  • Personal information that has been disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed by NCVER for the following purposes:
  • populating authenticated VET transcripts;
  • facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage;
  • pre-populating RTO student enrolment forms;
  • understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
  • administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.
You may receive a student survey which may be administered by a government department or NCVER employee, agent or third-party contractor or other authorised agencies. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted. NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the National VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at Australian Nursing And Training Services retains a record of personal information about all individuals with whom we undertake any form of business activity. Australian Nursing And Training Services must collect, hold, use and disclose information from our clients and stakeholders for a range of purposes. As a government registered training organisation, regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority, Australian Nursing And Training Services is required to collect, hold, use and disclose a wide range of personal and sensitive information on Students in nationally recognised training programs. This information requirement is outlined in the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 and associated legislative instruments. Australian Nursing And Training Services must require and confirm identification however in services delivery to individuals for nationally recognised course programs. We are authorised by Australian law to deal only with individuals who have appropriately identified themselves. That is, it is a Condition of Registration for all RTOs under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 that we identify individuals and their specific individual needs on commencement of services delivery and collect and disclose Australian Vocational Education and Training Management of Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) data on all individuals enrolled in nationally recognised training programs. Other legal requirements, as noted earlier in this policy, also require considerable identification arrangements. For information about how Australian Nursing And Training Services collects, uses and discloses your personal information generally, including how you can make a complaint about a breach of privacy, please refer to Australian Nursing And Training Services Privacy Policy which can be found within the Student Handbook and on our website at This Privacy Policy contains information about how individuals may access and seek correction of the personal information held by us, and how to complain about a breach of privacy, and how we will deal with such a complaint. In providing your personal information as requested and signing this notice, you are confirming your receipt of, and understanding of these details, and providing your consent for the collection, storage, use and For more information about NCVER’s Privacy Policy go to

Disability Supplement

Disability Supplement Disability in this context does not include short-term disabling health conditions such as a fractured leg, influenza, or corrected physical conditions such as impaired vision managed by wearing glasses or lenses. ‘Hearing/deaf’ Hearing impairment is used to refer to a person who has an acquired mild, moderate, severe or profound hearing loss after learning to speak, communicates orally and maximises residual hearing with the assistance of amplification. A person who is deaf has a severe or profound hearing loss from, at, or near birth and mainly relies upon vision to communicate, whether through lip reading, gestures, cued speech, finger spelling and/or sign language. ‘Physical’ A physical disability affects the mobility or dexterity of a person and may include a total or partial loss of a part of the body. A physical disability may have existed since birth or may be the result of an accident, illness, or injury suffered later in life; for example, amputation, arthritis, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, paraplegia, quadriplegia or post-polio syndrome. ‘Intellectual’ In general, the term ‘intellectual disability’ is used to refer to low general intellectual functioning and difficulties in adaptive behaviour, both of which conditions were manifested before the person reached the age of 18. It may result from infection before or after birth, trauma during birth, or illness.   ‘Learning’ A general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities. These disorders are intrinsic to the individual, presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction, and may occur across the life span. Problems in self-regulatory behaviours, social perception, and social interaction may exist with learning disabilities but do not by themselves constitute a learning disability. ‘Mental illness’ Mental illness refers to a cluster of psychological and physiological symptoms that cause a person suffering or distress and which represent a departure from a person’s usual pattern and level of functioning. ‘Acquired brain impairment’ Acquired brain impairment is injury to the brain that results in deterioration in cognitive, physical, emotional or independent functioning. Acquired brain impairment can occur as a result of trauma, hypoxia, infection, tumour, accidents, violence, substance abuse, degenerative neurological diseases or stroke. These impairments may be either temporary or permanent and cause partial or total disability or psychosocial maladjustment.   ‘Vision’ This covers a partial loss of sight causing difficulties in seeing, up to and including blindness. This may be present from birth or acquired as a result of disease, illness or injury. ‘Medical condition’ Medical condition is a temporary or permanent condition that may be hereditary, genetically acquired or of unknown origin. The condition may not be obvious or readily identifiable yet may be mildly or severely debilitating and result in fluctuating levels of wellness and sickness, and/or periods of hospitalisation; for example, HIV/AIDS, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, asthma or diabetes. ‘Other’ A disability, impairment or long-term condition which is not suitably described by one or several disability types in Combination.  Autisms spectrum disorders are reported under this category.  


I am registered nurse with extensive experience in the nursing including Aged Care, Disability and Acute care. I am passionate about teaching and sharing my knowledge to help you to reach your destination.
Radhika Sharma
Chief Executive Officer
Registered Nurse Tainer
and Assessor
I am a registered nurse working with aged and vulnerable people in our community. I am excited to show you the path that will build your skill and knowledge in the nursing and community services industry.
Usha Nepal
Operational Manger
Registered Nurse
Trainer and Assessor