Australian Nursing & Training Services

Who Is Eligible?

JobTrainer eligibility has been extended to give broader access to fee-free training, for people who want to learn new skills anywhere in NSW.

Under NSW JobTrainer, you may be able to study a fee-free course if you are:

  • Aged 16-24
  • An Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, Humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen?
  • no longer at school
  • a job seeker (you are a job seeker if you are out-of-work and/or receive income support payments or are expected to become unemployed)
  • a NSW Veteran or their recognised partner or spouse
  • wanting to study, upskill or reskill in courses in aged care, disability care, childcare, digital skills or training and assessment (regardless of age, employment status or current employment sector).

Eligible participants will also need to be:

  • living or working in NSW
  • an Australian citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen.