Australian Nursing & Training Services


We offer accredited Mental Health & Community Services training programs

Community Services

$ 1,383 Weekly Earnings *

Aged care will be the economy’s largest sector by 2024.
Source: National Centre for Vocational Education Research
* earning estimate after completion of course
This qualification reflects the role of entry level community services workers who support individuals through the provision of person-centred services. Work may include day-to-day support of individuals in community settings or support the implementation of specific community-based programs. Read More
The nationally recognised Certificate IV in Community Services helps you build a career as a community services worker in the fastest growing industry in Australia. Learn a broad range of skills in areas like alcohol and other drugs, child protection, juvenile justice, mental health and more, and help your clients achieve their goals. Read More
This qualification reflects the roles of community services, case management and social housing workers involved in the managing, co-ordinating and/or delivering of person-centred services to individuals, groups and communities. Read More

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Mental Health

$ 1,383 Weekly Earning *

Aged care will be the economy’s largest sector by 2024.
Source: National Centre for Vocational Education Research
* earning estimate after completion of course
This qualification reflects the role of workers who provide services to clients in relation to mental health issues or disorders. They can or may provide counseling, referral, advocacy, and education/health promotion services. These workers are required to have high-level specialist knowledge, skills, and competencies especially in regard to laws affecting people with mental health issues, the range of services available to them and health issues related to mental health. Read More

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About our Training

We offer accredited training programs. As a Registered Training Organisation No. 41231 with Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) we are able to deliver our approved qualifications across Australia. Students can enrol and commence training at any time in Sydney, ANTS also holds classes in the Hunter Region (specific venue details will be confirmed along with the training plan prior to enrolment).

Our Sydney classes are held in our training rooms in Sutherland and in accredited residential care facilities, so students will know from the start, the reality of working in the Aged, Disability, Health or Home and Community Care Services.

Classes in the Hunter region are held weekly in appropriate venues(specific venue details will be confirmed along with the training plan prior to enrolment) followed by work placement in accredited residential care facilities offering Aged, Disability, Health or Home and Community Care Services.

Theory and Practical

Our theory lessons provide the underpinning knowledge required to fully understand the essential skills you will need to demonstrate. Theory is delivered weekly in a face to face classroom environment. There is an expectation on all our programs that an average number of self-directed learning hours need to be completed, using learning materials we provide you.

We keep our class sizes small so learning is effective and students receive the personal tuition they require. Training is light hearted and lots of fun, but we maintain a high professional standard and have been committed to that since 1990.

We also provide a simulated training environment which is a component for all courses and we place a heavy emphasis on learning and practising workplace based competencies.

After the face to face theory and simulated training ANTS arranges WORK PLACEMENT for students,which is mandatory requirement, to consolidate the learning and to conduct assessment.

Course Prerequisites

This is an overview of all courses, please refer to the specific course for the exact prerequisite requirements.