Australian Nursing & Training Services

5 Important Things a Disability Employer will be looking from you

Working in disability industry as a support care worker is rewarding. You are not only providing support and assistance to people with disabilities but certainly your nursing them to make their day special.

1. Patience

If you are a person with having a lot of patience than certainly it is a profession for you. Your employer will look how patiently you can provide support to your participants/clients

2. Communication Skills

If you think, you have good communication skills being able to listen to your participants/clients, your employer will love to have you.

3. Professionalism

Your employer will look for a professional demeanour and your conduct in an ethical manner at all times.

4. Be Empathetic

If you are a person that has more sympathy, than you may need to think ‘can I really work in Disability Industry’. Your employer will look if you are empathetic or sympathetic.You need be caring and empathetic being able to provide emotional and physical support.

5. Qualification, Knowledge and Skill

Your employer most importantly will look for relevant industry knowledge and skills to provide quality service. If you don’t have a qualification (CHC33015 Certificate III in Disability), knowledge and skill, you may find this not the industry for you. After completing the certificate III in disability can also work as an Assistant in Nursing, Community Support Worker, Accommodation Support Worker, In Home Respite Worker, Personal Care Giver, Home Care Assistant, Nursing Assistant and Community Care Worker. Do you want to meet your employer expectation?

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